EGSC Professional Development Scholarships

Program Description

In keeping with the highest ideals of the EGSC, the Professional Development Scholarship Program is awarded to outstanding graduate students in The Columbia University Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) as a means of defraying costs associated with their academic and professional endeavors. Past recipients have used the Scholarship to fund memberships to professional societies and the cost of attending academic conferences. In addition to a monetary award, EGSC Professional Development Scholars are provided a platform from which to disseminate their knowledge and expertise, thereby impacting the larger Columbia Engineering community.


This award carries no citizenship requirements. Eligible recipients must be current SEAS graduate students (MS, MS leading to PhD, PhD, MD/PhD, EngScD) and in good academic standing, NOT necessarily full time. Special consideration may be given to applicants who demonstrate financial need or show evidence of self-support. Current members of the EGSC Executive Board and the University Senator are NOT eligible to receive this funding during their tenure.

Applicants are limited to one application per academic year (Academic year is from September to August of the next calendar year). Also, applicants who won the scholarship in Summer 2018 are not eligible to apply for the Fall 2018 scholarship. Applicants found to be submitting expenses in duplicate to other funding programs for reimbursement may be disqualified, and no longer eligible for funding in subsequent semesters and years. Please read the FAQs below.

Award Amount

Applicants may request up to $1000 per application. The final award amount and the number of awards per semester will be decided by the evaluating committee. Any unused funds are non-transferable, and may not be used for expenses unrelated to those explicitly stated in the funded application. Please note that original receipts and proof of acceptance/attendance (if applicable) are required in order to be eligible for reimbursement.

For expenses occurring January 1st through May 31st, applications should be submitted by the Spring funding deadline. For expenses occurring June 1st through August 31st, applications should be submitted by the Summer funding deadline. For expenses occurring September 1st through December 31st, applications should be submitted by the Fall funding deadline. Applications can be submitted in anticipation of upcoming expenses or already incurred expenses as the award is distributed through reimbursement. Therefore any relevant expenses incurred between SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 through DECEMBER 31, 2018 could be included in the Fall application (deadline OCTOBER 20, 2018 at 5:00 PM).

Evaluation Process

Applications submitted to this scholarship program will be subject to Panel Review, and evaluated holistically for completion of the two major components - accurate completion of this application form, and signature of academic support from a recommending faculty member (available in Section 2 of application form).The review panel will consist of members representing different governing bodies at SEAS, namely the Graduate Student Affairs Office, and the EGSC Executive Board. Applicants will receive the scholarship decisions via email within 10 business days of the submission deadline. In case of questions, read the FAQ below or contact the EGSC Treasurer.


Find the application form (here)


Application deadline for Fall 2018 applications is OCTOBER 20, 2018 at 5:00 PM

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please send any questions about the application to the EGSC Treasurer, Sai Mali Ananth (

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am a first year Masters student. How do I prove that I am in good academic standing?

A: Engineering students who are in their first semester of graduate school may still apply; however, qualifying applicants will be selected for the award on a conditional basis. Reimbursement will only be approved following the release of grades from their first semester, demonstrating good academic standing.

Q: Can I use this scholarship to buy research equipment (i.e. computers, iPads, etc.)?

A: Although we understand that a lack of material resources may place constraints on our students, this scholarship is intended to fund academic and/or professional opportunities beyond those typically pursued in the course of graduate study, that would be otherwise inaccessible due to financial hardship. In addition, this scholarship fund targets student endeavors that will have a broader impact on the SEAS community. Equipment that is necessary for the completion of degree requirements or research experiments should be provided by your department or faculty advisor, regardless of funding status.

Q: Can I use this scholarship for paying my tuition fees?

A: The EGSC professional development scholarship is intended to be used for defraying costs towards endeavors that contribute to professional development of the applicant that go above and beyond their academic program. As such, we do not award the scholarship as a means of paying tuition or for purchasing personal or research equipment. We typically award scholarships to applicants looking to secure funding to attend conferences, workshops or for registering in additional professional courses that contribute towards their career goals and are not available to the applicant as part of their SEAS academic program.